GG / 06 . . . Son of Man (about the evolution of Hotlegs into 10cc)

GG / 06 . . . Son of Man (about the evolution of Hotlegs into 10cc)

  • Q: Eric?
  • A: Yeah!
  • Q: How did you actually form the band?
  • A: Well . . .
  • . . . the B-side we were knocking off [Oh! Darling] turned into something good [Donna – the proposed B-side to Waterfall].  Donna was 10cc’s first single reaching No, 2 in the U.K. in 1972.

On hearing Donna, Jonathan King (founder of U.K. Records) released it as 10CC’s first single declaring it a smash, his prophecy fulfilled when it peaked at No.2 in the U.K. charts in September ’72: